Saturday 23 November 2013

Week 47 '13

I just can't understand how quickly hours, days, weeks and months pass. It's almost the end of November already. It's Saturday morning. Soon we'll head to grandma's place as she invited us there for a lunch. It's already the second time that I will eat there this week. :) During the last weekend I got a bit crazy and ended up cleaning and re-arranging things at our home. That's how I spent the whole weekend. I wonder, how many of you have such crazy days as well?

This week I received only one letter, which arrived from:
- Yessica, Mauritius


and sent out one as well, to: 
- Emma, Australia 

Here are some pics that I took during the last weekend. :) 

This weekend I have so many school things to do: presentations, reports, maths homework etc.... And I should start studying for the up-coming exams..... Ugh! 

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